
Welcome to the Machinists Union! With nearly 600,000 active and retired members, the IAM is one of the largest and most diverse labor unions in North America. From Boeing and Lockheed Martin to United Airlines and Harley-Davidson, you will find IAM members across all walks of life. IAM members demand respect and dignity in the workplace. Together, we have been able to bargain for increased job security, higher wages, and improved benefits.




By forming a union, workers provide themselves with the opportunity to secure a voice in their workplace and ensure justice on the job. Union members are able to sit down with management as equals and bargain for better workplace conditions. For some, that might be higher wages and better benefits. For others it might be job security or fair treatment. Regardless of your specific needs, the union is here to help.

Union members:

  • Earn wages, on average, 27 percent higher than non-union workers.
  • Are 54 percent more likely to have pensions provided by their employer.
  • Are more likely to have employer-provided health insurance benefits.
  • Have greater access to apprenticeships and training opportunities.


For more than 130 years, unions have fought for workers’ rights and the benefits so often taken for granted. Benefits like sick pay, leaves of absence, bereavement leave, holidays, vacations, retirement security and healthcare.



The IAM is here to help you. We have an experienced and motivated staff of organizing and servicing representatives to lead you through your campaign. We work very hard to maintain our winning record. As an IAM member, you’ll have a collective bargaining agreement – a legal document that spells out your workplace conditions and how you are treated on the job. Your collective bargaining agreement will elevate you to an equal footing with your employer and ensure you are treated fairly and your voice is heard.

At the IAM, you will find one of the largest and most experienced unions in North America. You will find Machinists in aerospace, transportation, the federal government, automotive, defense, woodworking and several other industries. We represent workers at companies as diverse as Harley-Davidson, Southwest Airlines, Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Freightliner, Tennessee Valley Authority and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.



If you’re already in a union, we may be able to help you affiliate with the IAM. Being a part of the large, successful IAM can improve your bargaining power and provide many member-only benefits. Organizations like the Shipbuilders Union, Die Sinkers International Union, Patternmakers Union, International Woodworkers of America, the National Federation of Federal Employees and the Transportation Communications International Union have all joined the IAM family.


Thanks for hitting the “Join IAM” button. You have taken the first step in forging a better life for yourself and your family. Please fill out the form below.

Within a few days, an IAM representative will call you at home.

He or she will answer your questions and explain how you can join the nearly 600,000 IAM members in the United States and Canada who have won higher wages and better benefits as IAM members.

Their victories – better pay, job security and fairer treatment on the job – took courage. Standing up for what’s right always does.

You showed courage today. Now, take the next step toward a better life by filling out this confidential form.

Brian Bryant
International President

Join IAM


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